Albert Collins 1992 Interview

Albert Collins 1992 Interview  by Tim Van Schmidt

Tim Van Schmidt is a longtime Colorado writer and photographer. Some of his history was as the co-founder of Scene magazine and a weekly column for North Forty News/New Scene Weekly. Tim’s YouTube channel is "Time Capsules by Tim Van Schmidt".  

This is an interview that Tim Van Schmidt back in 1992 on one of my favorite players, Albert Collins, The Ice Man. Albert was noted for his powerful playing and because of his long association with the Fender Telecaster gaining the title "The Master of the Telecaster". He is remembered for his informal and humorous audience-engaging style. Frequently he would leave the stage while still playing to mingle with the audience. He would use an extended guitar cord to go outside clubs to the sidewalk, one story says he left a club with the audience in tow to visit the store next door to buy a candy bar without once stopping his act. Albert has a pretty funny scene in the movie Adventures in Babysitting, playing himself in a Chicago nightclub. The Iceman received his well-deserved  induction into the Blues Hall of Fame in 1986.  

This is the link to Tim’s interview from 1992

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